Create Modern, Beautiful WordPress Websites

WordPress Website Designer

The Graph O Code

We are the leading WordPress Website Designer for businesses, specialists in creating Modern, Functional & SEO Friendly Websites.

Our Main Focus On

A good website design is one that effectively meets the needs of its target audience, facilitates easy navigation and interaction, and aligns with the goals of the website owner or organization.


Site speed is so important as it plays a direct role in user experience.


Security is important to keep hackers from accessing sensitive information.

Simplified Layout

A clean layout will give the site’s visitors easy access to valuable information.

SEO Optimization

Search Engine Optimization will help you find your website on google easily.

Our 360° Solution For WordPress Websites

Modern Design & User-Friendly UI

A professionally designed layout encourages the visitor to view more pages on the site.

All Device Responsive Design

Every visitors will experience a seamless web browsing experience from any kind of devices.

Dynamic Website With CMS

You don’t need to be a web developer to change some content on your website.

SEO Optimized

Search Engine Optimization will help you find your website on the internet easily.

Google Webmaster Tool Verified

This process will help your website to more accessible to google for better SEO.

Google Analytics Tracking

If you can’t track your website, how can you understand your website’s performance.

Up to 3 Years Bug Fixing Warranty

We will take care of your website for up to 3 years after the final delivery. You just relax.

3 Years Backup Support

Regular backup of your entire website is very important. We will do that for you.

Webmail Or Business Mail Id Support

Having a professional or business e-mail important. It enhances your brand identity.

Our Clients

Here are some of our clients and their business website is powered by us.

Request a Proposal

If you are interested to make a website, please let us know about your requirement.

Request a Proposal

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you only create WordPress websites?

Yes. WordPress is a great content management system that now powers more than 30% of the web. Its huge market share is due to its flexibility and ease of use. Don’t worry, we’ll teach you how to manage it and help you along the way.

Will my website be mobile-friendly?

Absolutely! Having a mobile-friendly website is more important than ever! We work hard to ensure your website looks great on a variety of devices.

How much input do I have in the process?

A lot! Your input and feedback are crucial to this process. We’ll start with a lot of questions about your needs, your likes, your wants and work with you to develop just the right look and functionality.

Where should my website be hosted?

Hosting is super important! When it comes to hosting, you get what you pay for. We’ve developed a list of our absolute favorite hosts to help you find the right host at the right price. Check out our list.

Will you maintain my site for me?

We can! We provide on-going support for many of our clients from new content uploading, Plugin Updates, Security Measures, Backup Solutions to Performance Optimization and more. Check out our WordPress Support Packages.

When do I pay?

We offer a variety of payment options, varying from a one-time, up-front payment to monthly payments. We understand that this is a investment and want to help you budget for the expense in whatever way possible.

We accept PayPal for international payments.

Who writes the content for the site?

Usually that is you. You are the expert on your business, so it’s usually best if it comes from you. If you need help, we have a copywriter on our team who can help clean up or write original content for you at an additional cost.

What if I need help on my site down the road?

We are only an email away! We’re here to help you as much or as little as you need, and we won’t disappear once the site is launched. We’ve been doing this for 6+ years, so we aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.