OPD Guidelines for patients
• Patients will be allowed to enter lobby 15 mins prior to scheduled appointment time.
• No walk-ins are allowed. Prior appointments to be taken at 759506-8763/8764/8765/8657/8658/8659.
• Patients will be informed of the serial number and reporting time by Phone or SMS from the hospital 1day prior to the appointment.
• SMS for confirmation of appointment slot to be shown at OPD HELP DESK.
• Only 1 attendant is allowed to accompany an outpatient.
IPD Guidelines for patients
• Only One attendant will be allowed at a time per patient for IPD.
• Visiting Card must be carried by the patient visitors.
• The patient’s Name, Bed No. and Registration No. must be written on the visiting card.
Visiting hours has been revised in the following manner:
In Morning: 10AM To 11AM
In Evening : 4PM To 6PM
Patient Information
• Following the rule and regulation of the Nursing Home.
• Providing complete & accurate information about your past illness, medical history, allergies etc.
• Following the treatment plan recommended by your care givers.
• You are responsible for outcomes, if you do not follow the instruction or treatment suggested by your care giver.
• Paying your bills promptly.
• Misbehaving with hospital staffs or mishandling hospital’s asset is a punishable offence by IPC.
• Notify your care giver if you do not understand the instruction.
• Due to the Coronavirus outbreak only one attendant will be allowed per patient for OPD, IPD and other services.
Quality Policy
• We shall achieve continual quality improvement in all areas by implementing a quality management system (QMS) which shall focus on Safety, Clinical effectiveness and Patient experience.
• We shall render quality service which is safe, effective, timely, efficient, patient centered and equitable through quality measuring mechanism.
• We continuously strive to create a motivated workforce with a sense of pride.
• We are committed to providing patient-friendly, effective, efficient and ethical healthcare services.
• We aim at establishing a system of policies which is periodically reviewed to ensure continuous suitability and ensure all staff performs efficiently.